
Master the art of typing with educational and entertaining weekly video content.

Receive personalized typing services from the full Enneagrammer team.

Discover the Enneagrammer’s unique methods via our written library.


Enneagrammer Membership

Joining our members area gives you access to our full video library. We post weekly content in which we type celebrities/public figures, and deeply explore a variety of enneagram topics. We use photo and video content to dissect the details of how to accurately assess core type, trifix, instinctual stacking, and overlay. Assessing type correctly is a skill that can be used to supplement therapy or for self-improvement.

Subscribers will receive:

1. Exclusive access to our weekly live typing videos

2. Discounts on Complete Typings

3. Access to a private Discord Server and EM Facebook group (at discretion of admins)

Every month


About Us

Discover all you need to know about Enneagrammer. Learn about who we are and what we do.

Our Concepts

Enneagrammer has added many original ideas and concepts to the enneagram. Get a primer here on what they are.


The Group

Join Enneagram Universe and see what makes our community unique.

Celebrity Type Database

Use our database of accurately-typed celebrities and public figures to help distinguish between the energies of each type. Also, peruse some basic typing giveaways including micro-expressions and common phrases.