6 With Each of the Gut Fixes

6 is the most confusing type because of its pendulous nature.

Here is an summary of how it appears within a trifix with each gut fix:

6 with 1 fix

6 by nature is questioning and doubting, but 1 fix is supremely uncomfortable with uncertainty and lack of structure. 6-1 tends to want to understand a concept or scenario at 100% with no stone left unturned. When there’s uncertainty along the way, when something doesn’t quite fit or make sense, the 6-1 feels mental discord and needs to put everything neatly in a structured place. 6-1’s become extremely frustrated when things are inaccurate or flaky. 6 is always questioning discrepancies but what it really wants is to be able to yield to something that’s actually true and finally stop asking questions. With 1 fix, there’s no room for ambiguity. 1 as a frustration type pulls 6 into the place where it is dissatisfied with its own thinking process and needs to refine it.

6 with 9 fix

The 9 fix by contrast tends to allow 6 to stay longer in a state of questioning ambivalence. 6 still wants to find a structure/truth, but 9 allows more back and forth. Both 6 and 9 have trouble being solid. With 6-9’s, one might get the sense that they’re playing with ideas rather than how the 6-1 insists on finding one specific outcome. The 6-9 might settle on an outcome but spend more time re-questioning and vacillating. 9 as a withdrawn energy pulls the 6 fix into a place where it needs permission to exist fully and trust itself.

6 with 8 fix

By total contrast to 1, now crossing the border over the great ocean of 9, 8 in any trifix tends to give license to the other fixes to just “be” unapologetically. It’s not automatic aggression, but rather an allowance of being. With 6 fix that means questioning and calling out inconsistencies/untruths is louder and more shameless. 8 tends to be uncomfortable with the natural need of 6 to submit, and so it tends to make 6 more counter-phobic but less trusting/warm/friendly. 8 being a reactive type brings 6 into a place where it expects more negativity and can be unapologetically bold.

Joseph Simone